In case you are looking for fun things to do here in Nebraska, fishing can be your go-to recreational activity. We can assure you that you will have a great time in this weather. If you have done fishing then it won’t be a problem for you.
Here in Nebraska, there are some laws you must follow to keep the underwater animals safe. In addition to that, to keep the ecosystem going you need to follow some strict rules. These rules are also concerned about the people living in Nebraska as well.
So, keep your plans regarding fishing with either your friends and family intact but make sure you go through all these fishing laws in Nebraska to avoid situations that are uncalled for. So, without further ado let’s have a look at these fishing laws you must follow if you plan to fish in Nebraska!
You Need A License
You can never do fishing in Nebraska without a permit unless you are below 16. In case you are above the golden year you have to get a fishing license. A fun fact about the fishing license in Nebraska is that there are different types of fishing licenses. Let’s walk you down these different types of fishing license-
In Nebraska, you can get an annual license. If you want a license with far longer validity and you love to fish, we recommend you get the lifetime fishing license. It will save you from spending a lot of money on licenses each year.
Other than these two, you can additionally get a multi-year license. In contrast, some fishing licenses allow you to fish on a day-to-day basis. For instance, you can get a fishing license for one day. Likewise, you can get a fishing license with the validity of 3 days as well. So, get your fishing license considering how much you enjoy fishing and how many times you will be fishing over time.
One great thing about getting a fishing license is that you can get them online now! So, without waiting any longer start filling up your forms now today!
Fines for Fishing Without License In Nebraska
Don’t go fishing without a proper permit or license in Nebraska. We are saying this because as per the law, if $100. In addition to that, there will be court charges as well. You don’t want that for yourself, do you?
Catch and Release Regulations In Nebraska
The state is working relentlessly to maintain the balance of its natural resources i.e fish population. In that case, there are some restrictions along with fishing limits tagged to protect the lives underwater. Some fish species are only for catch and release purposes in some water bodies in Nebraska. Have a look at them and don’t forget to follow these strict instructions later on!
- You must release the Northern pike in Lake Wanahoo if you catch the species.
- Channel and blue catfish in two rivers, fort Kearny, wildwood lake, and windmill.
- Flathead catfish in the branched oak lake.
- White, striped bass, and wiper in the branched oak lake.
- All types of species in Kea West, West Brady, Jenny Newman Pond, and East Hershey.
In case you catch any of these abovementioned fishes while fishing in Nebraska, immediately safely release the fishes to the inland waters.
Fishing Laws You Must Follow In Nebraska
In case you have gone fishing in Nebraska back in 2019, you need to read these laws adhered to by the states from 2020 regarding fish possession limits, fish lengths, and so on. Have a look at these rules now so that you don’t get in trouble later on!
- In case you are planning on trout fishing, you must know that the possession limit has been shifted to two and four. Now you are allowed one fish which can be 12 or longer than that. This way now more people can take part in fishing.
- You can no longer catch channel fish more than one fish. That fish has to be 30 inches or longer. This helps the state in protecting larger fishes and reduces the overall size of this species.
- There is a size limit for both muskellunge and tiger muskellunge. They have to be within 50 inches at Merritt. This helps the states in protecting the larger fishes of this species.
- Now you cannot harvest white and stripes bass or wiper at Omaha’s Zorinsky lake. This law is to ensure that the states can let the fish population grow now.
Nebraska is taking the act of having a fishing permit while fishing very seriously now. Unless you want any problems on your plate, get one and follow all the aforementioned laws to have a hassle-free experience.
Also Read: Fishing Laws in Massachusetts